Conducting Digital Forensics: Gathering And Preserving Electronic Evidence
One of the key challenges in today’s world for fraud examiners and investigators is the increase number of utilization of technology in workplace at any organization across the globe. Hence, the opportunities for fraudsters are widely opened, day in day out, more than what they have in the past.
Desktops, laptops, tablets, feature phones, smartphones, digital cameras, even watches and GPS devices are all possible sources to abet a fraud. On the flip side of a coin, they also all leave behind digital trails.
Therefore, this course is aimed to introduce attendees with the essential knowledge and skill setthey need when their investigation turns up electronic evidence starting from evidence collection, chain of custody, expert designation and analysis. In addition to that, the participants will understand what and how digital forensics examiners do their jobs and get the insights on how to effectively collaborate with them as part of their investigation activities.
Tujuan PelatihanConducting Digital Forensics: Gathering and Preserving Electronic Evidence :
- Categorize digital storage types and characteristics
- Identify types of crimes involving digital media
- Understand and handle digital evidence wisely
- Seize digital evidence and recognize the legal implications
- Secure, preserve and analyze digital evidence
- Understand the forensic examiners role and responsibilities
- Recognize digital artefacts and methodology for imaging digital evidence
Metode Training Conducting Digital Forensics: Gathering and Preserving Electronic Evidence :
The course will be delivered with 30% of the time devoted to important concepts and other theory topics and 70% allotted for hands-on practice, case studiesand group discussion. Training lead will be assisted by presentation slides and actual demonstrations for clear understanding and smooth follow-through during the sessions.
Target Peserta Pelatihan Conducting Digital Forensics: Gathering and Preserving Electronic Evidence ini ditujukan untuk para:
Individuals, professionals and organizations who are interested, involved or responsible for conducting digital forensics as part of their fraud examination and investigation activities such as but not limited to lawyers, attorneys, judges, legal professionals, investigators, examiners, auditors, IT professionals, and other anti-fraud professionals.
Outline Materi Conducting Digital Forensics: Gathering and Preserving Electronic Evidence :
I. Pendahuluan
- A. Pengenalan Digital Forensik B. Pentingnya Gathering dan Preserving Electronic Evidence C. Etika dalam Digital Forensics
II. Konsep Dasar Digital Forensics
- A. Prinsip-prinsip Dasar Digital Forensics B. Alur Kerja dalam Investigasi Forensik C. Jenis-jenis Bukti Elektronik
III. Identifikasi dan Gathering Evidence
- A. Metode Identifikasi Bukti Digital B. Langkah-langkah Pengumpulan Bukti Elektronik C. Chain of Custody: Penjagaan dan Manajemen Bukti
IV. Prinsip Pengumpulan Bukti Elektronik
- A. Forensic Imaging: Prinsip dan Teknik B. Mengumpulkan Data dari Berbagai Perangkat C. Keandalan Bukti Elektronik
V. Tools dan Teknik dalam Digital Forensics
- A. Perangkat Lunak Forensik yang Umum Digunakan B. Teknik Analisis Data Elektronik C. Forensic Reporting: Menyajikan Temuan dengan Jelas
VI. Legalitas dan Persiapan untuk Persidangan
- A. Aspek Hukum dalam Digital Forensics B. Menyusun Laporan Forensik yang Berdasarkan Fakta C. Keterlibatan dan Tanggung Jawab Saksi Ahli
VII. Studi Kasus dan Latihan Praktis
- A. Analisis Kasus Nyata dalam Digital Forensics B. Simulasi Investigasi dengan Studi Kasus C. Latihan Penggunaan Alat-alat Forensik
VIII. Tantangan dan Etika dalam Digital Forensics
- A. Tantangan Utama dalam Investigasi Digital B. Etika Profesional dalam Penanganan Bukti Elektronik C. Kesimpulan dan Rekapitulasi
IX. Ujian dan Evaluasi
- A. Ujian Tertulis B. Penilaian Studi Kasus C. Evaluasi Keterampilan Praktis
Jadwal Training Jakarta Fix Running di Tahun 2024
Januari | Februari | Maret | April |
16 -17 Januari 2024 | 13 – 14 Februari 2024 | 5 – 6 Maret 202 | 24 – 25 April 2024 |
Mei | Juni | Juli | Agustus |
21 – 22 Mei 2024 | 11 – 12 Juni 2024 | 16 – 17 Juli 2024 | 20 – 21 Agustus 2024 |
September | Oktober | November | Desember |
17 – 18 September 2024 | 8 – 9 Oktober 2024 | 12 – 13 November 2024 | 17 – 18 Desember 2024 |
Peserta dapat pesan / customize jadwal pelaksanaan training selain tanggal yang sudah kami agendakan.
Lokasi Pelatihan Training selain di Jakarta
- Yogyakarta, Hotel Dafam Malioboro
- Bandung, Hotel Neo Dipatiukur
- Bali, Hotel Ibis Kuta
- Lombok, Hotel Jayakarta
- Surabaya, Hotel Neo Gubeng
Investasi Training Jakarta
Investasi pelatihan tahun 2024 ini Rp 6.900.000/ peserta dengan minimal pelaksanaan 3 peserta setiap batch nya. Anda akan mendapatkan harga lebih kompetitif jika pelatihan diselenggarakan secara In House Training (IHT) minimal dengan 10 peserta setiap angkatan/ batch nya. Untuk detail biaya investasi pelatihan ini silahkan menghubungi tim marketing Training Jakarta dan dapatkan harga investasi terbaik.
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